Christian Music and Videos – Post of 1/30/2024
This page contains the first level for the Music and Videos Page. For some songs there will be a link to a page that has videos for learning to play the songs on guitar. It does require the person to have basic knowledge of strumming chords on a guitar.
Spanish: Esta página contiene el primer nivel de la Página de Música y Videos. Para algunas canciones habrá un enlace a una página que tiene vídeos para aprender a tocar las canciones en la guitarra. Requiere que la persona tenga conocimientos básicos de rasguear acordes en una guitarra.
Songs and Videos:
“In Jesus Name (God of Possible)” written by Katy Nichole
Click here to learn to play this song: In Jesus Name Guitar Tutorial
What A Beautiful Name: Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood
To learn how to play “What A Beautiful Name” by Hillsong” click here.
The Goodness Of God by Bethel Music
Written by Jenn Johnson / Ed Cash / Jason Ingram / Ben Fielding / Brian Johnson
Acoustic bersion of Goodness Of God + Spontaneous // We The Kingdom // Take 2
To learn how to play “Goodness of God” click here.
Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley’s Version, original song written by Leonard Cohen
The original song was composed by Leonard Cohen, who was a Canadian-born poet-songwriter-performer. Leonard Cohen released this song on his 1984 album Various Positions, the song has earned global significance.
Below is the song performed by Jeff Buckley.
Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah (Live In London)
If you would like to learn to play this song on the guitar, see the following tutorial page.
Canción: Hay un Mundo Mejor
Esta canción la escuché hace unos 50 años. Estoy tratando de ver si algunos de mis amigos recuerdan al autor. Junté los acordes de la canción y la canté en el velorio de mi Mamá Ana. Dios la llamó después de un derrame cerebral. Algún día espero volver a verla, cuando Dios me llame a mí también. En el tiempo de Dios, espero estar en ese Mundo Mejor, donde Jesús es Rey, y verla de nuevo. 🙏
Song: There is a Better World
This song I heard about 50 years ago. Trying to see if some of my friends recall the author. I put together the chords of the song and sang it at my Mom Ana’s memorial. God called her after a brain stroke. Someday I hope to see her again, when God calls me too. At God’s timing, I hope to be in that Better World, where Jesus is King. 🙏
El Señor Es Mi Pastor, por Danilo Montero
Para aprender a tocar El Señor Es Mi Pastor en guitarra haga CLIC AQUI.
To learn to play El Señor Es Mi Pastor on the guitar CLICK HERE.
AL TALLER DEL MAESTRO – Alex Campos, Jesús Adrián Romero, Lilly Goodman | Versión Deluxe 2022
Para aprender a tocar la cancion en guitarra, video con Alex Campos, haga CLIC AQUI.
Newton’s Grace: The True Story of Amazing Grace
John Newton was a troubled young man with a violent temper and a penchant [penchant means: tencency towards something or to like or have interest in something] for vulgarity that literally made his fellow sailors blush. Whipped for desertion and sold into slavery, it seemed his life would end early in a West African grave…until he was rescued by a ship captain sent by his father.
Following a powerful conversion experience during a storm at sea, Newton would eventually become a pastor in the Church of England and the writer of several of the church’s most beloved hymns, including “Amazing Grace.” (Source: as per the description of the YouTube link (
Spanish text:
John Newton era un joven problemático con un temperamento violento y una afición [gusto o interés por una cosa] por la vulgaridad que hacía sonrojar literalmente a sus compañeros marineros. Fue azotado por deserción y vendido como esclavo, parecía que su vida acabaría pronto en una tumba de África Occidental… hasta que fue rescatado por un capitán de barco enviado por su padre.
Tras una fuerte experiencia de conversión durante una tormenta en el mar, Newton acabaría convirtiéndose en pastor de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y escritor de varios de los himnos más queridos de la iglesia, entre ellos “Amazing Grace.” (Fuente: según la descripción del enlace de YouTube (
“Amazing Grace” hymn written by John Newton
“Here as in Heaven” by Elevation Worship
This is indeed a beautiful and inspiring song. The Spanish version follows as you scroll below.
If you wish to learn more of how to play this song see the link below.
Hear as in Heaven – Guitar Tutorial 1
Below is the song “Here as in Heaven” in its Spanish version. Be blessed.
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