Learning and Interpreting Concepts


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Welcome to this page called “Learning Concepts” in which the webmaster will share information on learning concepts, and how we human beings learn. The initial focus will be to highlight the benefits of learning and how it benefits the brain. This will be a work in progress project.

The webmaster is a lifetime learner and has been involved educating technical matters and computer technology since 1983 and holds a Graduate Certificate from Boise State University in Online Teaching

Additional posts will be dedicated to being an Simultaneous Interpreter, with the goal to improve interpretations of sermons from English to Spanish.

Any resource that will be posted is for educational purpose only. Thanks.

Post of February 8, 2024:

When you first study a sermon that will be translated from English to Spanish, you will find that many words and expressions DO NOT TRANSLATE EXACTLY between these two languages. So, we’ll make posts with snippets of words that are peculiar and don’t translate exactly from English to Spanish.

In order to be an efficient and accurate interpreter, one must be basically almost 100% fluent in both languages. It is important to realize, I’d say, that know one knows all the words of English and Spanish, hence, wanting and being in an atitude of learning, is an important aspect of being an interpreter.

If one is able to have the source documents that contains what will be said in English and familiartize and or have that material translated, will make the rendering a better experience for the interpreter and the audience.

Afford = conseguir, alcanzar. Algo que puede conseguirse o alcanzarse o darte el lujo de poder comprar o adquirir.

Abiding = Permaneciendo 

Abide = Permanecer

Abide with God = Permanecer con Dios

Abiding with God = Permaneciendo con Dios

Cel phone = celular. The cel phone is literally what we know as the old cel phone that are not smart. These are almost obsolete devices. Though, because these are almost obsolete and rare to see around, the term cel phone is used to refer to the smart phone.

  • Smart phone = The literal translation of smart phone from English to Spanish would be “teléfono inteligente.”  If you say in Spanish “teléfono inteligente,” the audience will say “what are you talking about. So, again, the best way to translate smart phone, is to just say celular. In English it is clearly called smart phone

Choice = Selección, elección

Complain = quejar

Complaining = quejarse

Dimmer eyes = Ojos más tenues, ojos más apagados

Disappointed = Decepcionado, desilusionado

Endurance = the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: Source: Dictionary.com

Fill with fatness = lleno de grosera

Fat = The term fat refers to the fat or tallow of the animals that biblically represented a pleasing offering to the Lord and constituted the best part of the sacrifice. 

Fatness = grosura

El término grasa o grosura se refiere al sebo de los animales que bíblicamente representaban una ofrenda agradable al Señor y constituían la mejor parte del sacrificio.

Fluent in Spanish = Fluido en español (masc.), Fluida en español

Fingerprints = huellas digitales o simplemente huellas

Hasten to help me = Apresúrate a ayudarme, date prisa en ayudarme

Highlight in your Bible = Resalte en su Biblia

On the fly = en la marcha, simultaneo

Pleading = suplicando 

Rely in God’s help = depender de la ayuda de Dios, Confía en la ayuda de Dios. Apóyate en la ayuda de Dios

Web link tab = Enlace web

Whine = Lloriquear, but it is also used for complaining

Whining = Lloriqueando, but it is also used for complaining

Work staff = equipo de trabajo, personal de trabajo

Self-confidence = Esta palabra compuesta no existe en español. Significa confianza en uno mismo (confianza en si mismo). Se podría traducir como autoconfianza.

Spiritual insight = Conocimiento espiritual, percepción espiritual, comprensión espiritual

Swag = botín


Post of June 19, 2023:

As reported in www.verywellmind.com:

Education and lifelong learning help us use our brains to their maximum potential by stirring up our curiosity and intellect, Dr. Lagoy adds. The more you use your brain, the more oxygen it requires, and your body increases blood flow to it to fulfill the higher demand. This is what keeps it healthy and active and benefits brain health.

Claire Gillespie. (2022, January 24). verywellmind.com. Retrieved from Life-Long Learning Has Positive Impact on Brain Health and Aging: https://www.verywellmind.com/life-long-learning-has-positive-impact-on-brain-health-and-aging-5215596

So how is it that we learn?

Instructional learning theory teaches that our brains learn by segments of information. Each segment of information is like a building block. Each block will form part of the house or building. The most important building block is called “fundamentals”. The idea of foundations is analogous to laying the foundation of a house. If the foundation is not solid and complete, the house will fall down. No matter how many blocks you lay, real learning does not occur.

The learner has to lay each block, one at a time, and learn that “chunk” of information or concepts for learning to occur. The learner also needs the desire and motivation to learn. It is a very healthy exercise for the brain. Learning is healthy for the brain. More about this some weeks from now.

In the following video, Michael Spitzer, a professor of music at the University of Liverpool, explains how:

Music affects the brain in profound ways. It eases stress by lowering cortisol. It floods the brain with pleasurable neurotransmitters like dopamine. And it serves as a conduit through which we can process emotions that otherwise might not be describable in words.

Professor Michael Spitzer. (2023, January 29). Music’s power over your brain, explained | Michael Spitzer. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAafVviGxhk

Music’s power over your brain, explained | Michael Spitzer

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