“Amazing Grace” the Movie and More
This page contains the first level for the Music Page, it will then go into pages that develop more on the music and way to play the song.
Songs and Videos:
“Amazing Grace” the Movie
John Newton was a troubled young man with a violent temper and a penchant for vulgarity that literally made his fellow sailors blush. Whipped for desertion and sold into slavery, it seemed his life would end early in a West African grave…until he was rescued by a ship captain sent by his father.
Following a powerful conversion experience during a storm at sea, Newton would eventually become a pastor in the Church of England and the writer of several of the church’s most beloved hymns, including “Amazing Grace.”
“Amazing Grace” hymn written by John Newton
“Here as in Heaven” by Elevation Worship
This is indeed a beautiful and inspiring song. The Spanish version follows it as you scroll below.
If you wish to learn more of how to play this song see the link below.
Hear as in Heaven – Guitar Tutorial 1
Below is the song “Here as in Heaven” in its Spanish version. Be blessed.
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